Labels:cassette | cassette tape | desk | monitor | sky OCR: MY PRIVATE COLLECTION To view the Files on the MPC CD-ROM you need to have System with VGA adapter and Monitor To view in Super VGA mode you will need 512K to meg of Video memory Should you wish to upgrade your video board with additional memory or purcl iase new video board you may obtain such prod lucts from your local computer store Tips on Using the File Viewer VPIC 4.9 There are Several Different GIF 18 Viewers in the VIEWERS directory on the CD- -ROM We have chosen VPIC 4.9 Because of It's Superior Quality VPIC 1s an Excellant Sharew are program that should be Registered with its Author ifyou Continue to use it beyond reasonable time period (Usually 30 days) Make Directory on your Hard Drive called VPIC 2 Copy all Files from the VPIC Directory on the CD-ROM to the VPIC directory on y ...